Notices of impoundment

Are you a local authority in charge of vehicle impoundment for your district?
To facilitate the impounding process, ANTAI is now offering the option of printing and sending seizure notices.
As of 1 July 2024, local authorities designated as impoundment agencies or initiating departments may, at their discretion, enter into an agreement with ANTAI for the management of correspondence to French vehicle registration certificate holders residing in France.
What changes are coming for local authorities in the way they handle impoundment notices?
The automated impoundment notification service has been made possible by linking ANTAI's information system with the Road Safety Delegation's impoundment information system ("SI-Fourrières") and local authority information systems.
In order to use this service to print and send notifications, you will first need to register with SI-Fourrières.

What are the benefits of registering with SI-Fourrières?
Once the agreement has been finalised between both parties, ANTAI will undertake the following tasks on behalf of the local authority:
- processing the electronic data received from SI-Fourrières
- printing and sending out notices of impoundment (with a unique identifier of the French Ministry of the Interior and Overseas) by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt
- sending various reminders, if necessary
- handling proof of delivery and delivered post.
Thanks to its expertise in automated offence processing, ANTAI can carry out the aforementioned steps within 1 to 4 business days of receiving the information (excluding exceptional circumstances) and ensuring compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Furthermore it also offers local authorities the ability to access quantitative monitoring of electronically processed actions and cases, and provides telephone assistance to local authority staff through its customer relations centre.
IMPORTANT: ANTAI's role in the SI-Fourrières service is solely to support local authorities, and does not involve collecting fines or interacting directly with users.
What is SI-Fourrières?
SI-Fourrières is a national impound information system that offers centralised, computerised management of every stage in the process – from the moment a vehicle is impounded until the final outcome, whether that be return, sale, or destruction of said vehicle.
Among other things, the system sends notifications to the vehicle's registered owner, asking them to come and claim their vehicle within a specified period of time.

How can I sign an agreement with ANTAI to start using the SI-Fourrières service?
- Firstly, make sure you are registered with SI-Fourrières
- Navigate to the ANTAI Partners site, and locate the 'Partner accounts' section by clicking on the button below. If you do not already have an account, you can request one online.
- Download the ANTAI agreement from the ‘My Documents’ section of your Partners area. The final step is to fill it in, sign it, and upload it to your personal space.
The agreement will be valid from the date of signing until 31 December 2025. A new 3-year agreement will then be available 3 months prior to the expiry date, allowing you to renew your membership of the service.
For more information:
- For detailed information on ANTAI's agreement terms and conditions, please contact our support team via the ‘My messages’ tab in your Partners area. If you do not have an account on this website, please contact the ANTAI call centre at +33 (0)176 492 707.
- Please refer to the ‘Financial Conditions’ annex to the ANTAI agreement, accessible via the ‘My documents’ tab in your Partners area, for specific details about rates