You have received a notice

1 - Date of issue of the offence notice
- The date appears in the top right corner of the offence notice.
- The payment and appeal time limits start to run from this date.
- You can receive a reduction of your fixed fine if you pay it under the conditions indicated in the bottom left corner of your notice (payment methods, payment time limit and reduced amount.)
2 - Speed
- When the offence concerns an exceeding of the legal permitted speed, an insert to the left of the offence notice contains the measured speed, the legal speed and the speed used for the offence after reducing the technical margin..
3 - Date on which the offence was reported, place and direction of driving
- The date is located on the left of the form.
- The name of the community appears in the "Date/time" insert.
- This insert contains a reminder of the lane on which the offence was reported.
- The place of the offence is specified by its "PK/PR (Kilometer Point / Reference Point)"
- When this detail is required, the direction of driving in which the offence was reported on the lane is indicated in the Date/time insert e.g. Province-Paris.
4 - Identification of the officer issuing the ticket
- The reports come either from a report recorded using a dedicated tool (electronic ticketing) or photos shot by a digital automatic camera or an automated device monitoring the crossing of traffic lights.
- The "Agent verbalisateur" (Issuing Officer) insert features the number of the officer issuing the ticket and the service code.
5 - Technical margin
- On the reverse of the notice on the left are stated the details concerning the measured speed and the application of a technical margin for the calculation of the speed used. This margin is of 5 km/h for permitted speeds of up to 100km/h and 5% of the measured speed for permitted speeds above 100 km/h.
Electronic traffic offence notice
The ANTAI now sends electronic traffic offence notices in three separate situations:
- 1st situation: at the time of an arrest, you gave your e-mail address to the police officer who issued you with a notice.
- 2nd situation: you have been designated as the perpetrator of an offence by a lessor, your employer or the person who lent you their vehicle. The person who designated you then sent your e-mail address to ANTAI.
- 3rd situation: your email is registered in the French vehicle registration system (SIV).
Important: in both situations, you must expressly agree to receive the notice of infraction in a dematerialized form. For that, you must:
- Open the email sent by ANTAI with the sender address
- Click on the link contained in this email
- Check the box where you expressly agree to receive the notice of infraction electronically.
If you refuse or do not open your electronic notice of offence within 7 days, you will receive it by mail. Payment and appeal deadlines will run from the new date of the notice of infraction received at your postal address.
Your email address is only used once, in the context of the file for which it was transmitted. To be reused later for the sending of new notices of violation, it must be sent again to the ANTAI.
The following graphic shows the various steps involved in sending electronic infraction notices :
Comprendre le processus d'envoi
de l'avis de contravention électronique l'agent des forces de l'ordre qui vous a contrôlé, de la personne qui vous a désigné ou du système d'immatriculation des véhicules (SIV de France Titres (ex ANTS).

...provenant de l'adresse, Ce courriel vous informe qu'un avis de contravention électronique vous est adressé.

...puis cocher la case par laquelle vous acceptez de recevoir l'avis de contravention au format électronique. vous pouvez l'imprimer ou l'enregistrer sur votre ordinateur. Les délais de paiement et de contestation courent à partir de la date de l'avis de contravention.
Important : Si vous n'ouvrez pas l'avis de contravention dans le délai de 7 jours, vous le recevrez automatiquement par voie postale. En revanche, à partir du moment où vous acceptez de recevoir l'avis de contravention électronique, aucun exemplaire ne vous sera adressé par voie postale.
Notice of fixed penalty
Certain offences can now be subject to a fixed penalty fine. The fixed criminal penalty is notified by a notice of lump sum penalty, the composition of which is similar to that of the notices of contravention.
Three offences are involved:
- Driving a vehicle without a licence
- Driving a vehicle with a licence that does not correspond to the category of the vehicle
- Driving a vehicle without insurance
A model of this red document is presented below (offence of driving without a licence) :
Other situations

This type of offence is not the responsibility of the National Agency for Automated Offence Processing (ANTAI).
To pay or appeal, follow the instructions appearing in the letter-card.

The ANTAI sends offence notices on behalf of the SNCF.
The details of the reported offence are specified in the document.
The details of this offence are stated in the document that you received at your residence and shown below:

How do I pay?
- Either by Internet on the website
- Or by post, by bank cheque or money order, made out in euros to the SRTPF (Public rail transport collection service). Attach the identification form of your offence statement without stapling or gluing it. Then send it all without including any other document to the following address:
TSA 20033
How to appeal?
You can find the process for appealing this offence notice by clicking the following link:
If you have committed an offence against the Highway Code in a foreign country, you are liable to receive the same penalties as those that can be delivered to nationals of the country in question. You will then receive a offence notice from this country.
If you must pay a fine in the country where you committed the offence and if you have not paid this fine on the spot, you can be prosecuted in accordance with the agreements signed between France, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Romania, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia.