Designating or appealing

General principles
The procedure for appeal offence notices and increased fixed fine notices is regulated by Articles 529-10 and 530 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
These terms vary according to the method of ticketing (automated (camera) control or electronic ticket (PVe)). To avoid your appeal being rejected, you must follow the instructions that you will find in the pages of this section carefully, according to your situation.
To appeal against an offence notice or an increased fixed fine, you must formulate an Exemption Request or appeal to the Prosecutions Officer (OMP).
If you have received a fixed penalty notice, you can also make your request in a fully dematerialized form on this website. Your request will be examined by the specialised department of the Rennes public prosecutor's office in charge of processing such requests.
Appeal process
To carry out this procedure you have a choice of two methods of appeal. You can:
- Either complete your procedure online on this website by clicking the following link:
- Or carry out your procedure by post, sending:
- The "exemption request form" that you received with your offence notice.
- The "complaint form" when this document is attached to your increased fixed fine.
ANTAI cannot judge the admissibility of appeals or cancel fines.
These procedures are the responsibility of the Public Prosecution Officer, in their capacity as representative of the judicial authority and under the supervision of the Public Prosecutor. They can reject an appeal if they deem it non-compliant (i.e. no justification is given, justification outside the time limit, appeal not sent with the original notice and/or fine deposit payment, documents sent by ordinary post instead of recorded delivery, etc.), dismiss an appeal, or refer the matter to the local judge.
The Officer is also the only person who can decide whether an increased fixed fine can be reinstated at its initial amount.
Similarly, fine reimbursement is the responsibility of the French Public Treasury, not ANTAI.The person liable for the fine must apply directly to the tax office that issued the document, either the Automated Traffic Enforcement Treasury ("Trésorerie du Contrôle Automatisé") or the local tax office whose details are on the top left of the document.
Your situation
How to appeal?
- If you wish to appeal against a traffic violation notice, you can carry out your whole procedure online by clicking the following link "Appeal online". You will thus save the cost of sending a letter by recorded delivery.
- You can also send your appeal by registered letter with recorded delivery, to the postal address of the Prosecutions Officer (OMP) appearing on the bottom right of the first page of your traffic violation notice.
Which procedure do I follow?
- You will need all the necessary documents and supporting evidence: your traffic violation notice, a Complaint Form receipt (in case of theft), a certificate of destruction of the vehicle, a copy of the declaration of transfer of the vehicle, or any useful supporting evidence.
- If you choose to complete your procedure online, you must follow 6 simple steps by clicking the following link: "Appeal online".
- In the case of your vehicle having been transferred or sold before the offence was reported, fill in the second part of the form used for entering the contact details of the person to whom the vehicle was sold and take care to fill in all the required fields, marked by an asterisk (*).
- Sign and date the form in the box provided for this purpose.
- Attach the original traffic violation notice or the increased fixed fine notice that you have received.
- Next attach all the required documents and supporting evidence : the complaint form receipt (for thefts), the certificate of destruction of the vehicle or any useful supporting documentation.
- Caution : you must send your contest by registered letter with recorded delivery.
- You do not have to pay or make a deposit on the fine.
How to appeal?
- If you wish to appeal against a offence notice, you can carry out your whole procedure online by clicking the following link: "Appeal online". You will thus save the cost of sending a letter by recorded delivery. You must provide a copy of your offence notice and enter the identity, contact details and driving license number of the person who was driving your vehicle at the time of the offences.
- You can also send your appeal by registered letter with recorded delivery, to the following postal address on the bottom right of the first page of your offence notice.
- If you wish to appeal against an increased fixed fine, you can also complete your procedure online on this site. If you choose to complete your appeal by post, you must send it to the postal address appearing on the top left of the first page of your increased fixed fine notice.
Which procedure do I follow?
If you choose to complete your procedure online, you must follow 6 simple steps by clicking the following link: "Appeal online".
If you choose to appeal by post, you must follow these steps:
- You will need your exemption request form (blue leaf) attached to the offence notice that you have received or the complaint form attached to the increased fixed fine notice.
- Fill in the first part of this form (name, first name etc.) taking care to fill in all the required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
- Tick the box "CASE NO.2" then one of the boxes corresponding to the situation of the vehicle at the time of the offences: lent or rent.
- Provide the identity, contact details and all information needed to designate the person who was driving your vehicle at the time of the offences. Take care to fill in all the required fields marked by an asterisk (*).
- Attach the original of the offence notice or the increased fixed fine notice that you have received.
- Sign and date the form in the box provided for this purpose.
- Caution: you must send your appeal by registered letter with recorded delivery.
- You do not have to pay or make a deposit on the amount of the fine.
How to appeal?
- If you wish to appeal against a offence notice, you can carry out your whole procedure online by clicking the link "Appeal online". You will thus save the cost of sending a letter by recorded delivery. You must provide a copy of your offence notice, give the reasons for your appeal and make a deposit on the amount of the fine that you were sent.
- You can also send your appeal by registered letter with recorded delivery, to the following postal address on the bottom right of the first page of your offence notice.
- If you wish to appeal against an increased fixed fine, you can also complete your procedure online on this site. If you choose to complete your appeal by post, you must send it to the postal address appearing on the top left of the first page of your increased fixed fine notice.
Which procedure do I follow?
If you choose to complete your procedure online, you must follow 6 simple steps by clicking the following link: "Appeal online".
If you choose to appeal by post, you must follow these steps:
- You will need your exemption request form (blue leaf) attached to the offence notice that you have received or the complaint form attached to the increased fixed fine notice.
- Fill in the first part of this form (name, first name etc.) taking care to fill in all the required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
- Tick the box "CASE NO.3".
- Attach on a separate sheet of paper the reason(s) for your appeal and/or the reasons for any failure to provide the required information or documents.
- Attach the original of the offence notice or the increased fixed fine notice that you have received.
- Sign and date the form in the box provided for this purpose.
- Caution: you must send your contest by registered letter with recorded delivery.
- In addition, you must also pay a deposit.
How do I make the deposit?
The procedure for paying the deposit is the same as for paying the fine. Please see the "Payment" section.
Payment of the deposit is, in the cases covered by Articles 529-10 and 530 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, a condition of your appeal being considered.
Good to know:
- If you pay the deposit by cheque or bank card, the amount of the deposit will be debited from your bank account.
- Payment of the deposit is not considered as payment of the fine and does not entail any deduction of points from the driving license.
- The deposit will be refunded to you at the end of your appeal if the Prosecutions Office (OMP) closes your appeal or if the judge acquits you.
Time limits to appeal
You have received a offence notice: you have a time limit of 45 days to complete your procedure online or send your appeal by post.
You have received an increased fixed fine notice: you have a time limit of 3 months to complete your procedure online or send your appeal by post.
For notices sent abroad, these times are extended by one month (Article 530-2-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.)
What follows your appeal
If your appeal is admissible, the public ministry officer (OMP) can decide:
Either to close the offence: you will then be informed of this by letter. If you have paid a deposit, this letter will specify the process for obtaining a refund. You will be sent a pre-filled form so that you can obtain a refund.
Or to prosecute you before the local magistrate. In this case, there are three possible outcomes:
The judge rules you criminally liable for the offences: you will then be sentenced to a fine of an amount at least 10% greater than the amount of the fixed fine (if a deposit has been paid it will be deducted from this.) The number of points corresponding to the offences will be deducted from your driving licence.
According to the nature of the offence, additional penalties may also be applied to you (fine, road safety course, ban from driving certain vehicles for 3 years, suspension of licence for 3 years, etc.).
If you do not provide proof of a theft, registration plate fraud or any other force majeure occurrence, or you do not provide all the information needed to identify the real perpetrator of the offences: the judge rules you financially liable for the payment of the fine amount (art. L.121-3 of the Highway Code). This sentence to pay the fine is not entered in your criminal record or taken into account for repeat offences and does not entail the deduction of any point(s) from your driving licence.
The judge acquits you: if you have paid a deposit, you can ask to have it refunded, by simple letter addressed to the Comptable du Trésor Public, accompanied by the acquittal ruling and your bank account details. In this case, a form pre-filled by the Registry services will be sent to you so that you can obtain a refund.
If your appeal is not admissible, the Prosecutions Office will notify you of this by letter, without the maximum time period of appeal being extended thereby.
If your appeal is admissible, the public ministry officer will decide:
Either to renounce the prosecution: you will then be informed of this by letter. If you have paid a deposit, this letter will specify the process for obtaining a refund. You will be sent a pre-filled form so that you can obtain a refund.
Or to prosecute you before the local magistrate. In this case, there are 3 possible outcomes:
The judge may deliver an order sentencing you to a fine and also, where applicable, one or more additional fines. The number of points corresponding to the offence may be deducted from your driving license. In the event of a sentence being passed, the fine pronounced will be at least 10% greater than the amount of the increased fixed fine. If a deposit has been paid, it will be deducted from this.
If you do not provide proof of a theft, registration plate fraud or any other force majeure occurrence, or if you do not provide all the information needed to identify the real perpetrator of the offences, the judge will rule you financially liable for the offences (Art. L.121-3 of the Highway Code). This sentence to pay the fine is not entered in your criminal record or taken into account for repeat offence, and does not entail the deduction of any point(s) from your driving licence.
The judge may acquit you without any monetary sentence: if you have paid a deposit, you may request a refund by simple letter addressed to the Public Revenue Office Accounting Service accompanied by the acquittal ruling and your bank account details. In this case, you will be sent a form pre-filled by the Registry services so that you can obtain a refund.
If your appeal is not admissible, the Prosecutions Officer will notify you of this by letter, without the maximum time limit for appeal being extended thereby.
Si votre requête est recevable, le service de traitement des avis d’amendes forfaitaires délictuelles la transmettra au procureur de la République du lieu de votre domicile.
Si le procureur de la République estime votre requête fondée, il peut classer la procédure sans suite.
S’il l’estime mal fondée, le procureur saisit le tribunal correctionnel, juridiction compétente pour le jugement des délits. Dans l’hypothèse où le tribunal correctionnel vous déclare coupable de l’infraction qui vous est reprochée, il est susceptible de prononcer une ou plusieurs des peines suivantes :
- Emprisonnement
- Amende
- Confiscation du véhicule ayant servi pour commettre l’infraction
- Travail d’intérêt général
- Jours amende
- Interdiction de conduire certains véhicules y compris ceux pour la conduite desquels le permis de conduire n’est pas exigé
- Obligation d’accomplir un stage de sensibilisation à la sécurité routière