Contact us

Do you have questions about speed cameras, electronic tickets (PVe), fixed fines (AFD), post-parking fees (FPS) or online procedures?

A call centre is available to users for all questions relating to offence notices.
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 8.30 a.m.-6.30 p.m.
Saturday: 8.30 a.m.-12.30 a.m.
To minimize waiting times, it is preferable to call on Thursday or Friday and from Monday to Friday from 4.30 p.m.
People who live outside of France are invited to call (+33) 177 68 66 11 and select the desired language: English, Spanish, German, Italian or Dutch.
We hereby remind you that ANTAI cannot provide an answer if your request concerns:
- an increased payment (collection), a third-party debt order, or a financial penalty
- a request to cancel or refund your fine
- notification served by bailiff
- an objection to the transfer of vehicle ownership and registration documents ("OTCI")
- a Public Prosecution ruling related to an appeal.
Only contact the relevant department, whose details are on the letter you received, as ANTAI is unable to reply to queries about any of the subjects listed above.
Click here to find out more about our roles and those of our partners

You can contact us by filling in the online form
We will process your request within 48 working hours if it concerns:
- Vos démarches liées à une infraction ou un courrier reçu : modalités de paiement, différents cas de contestation, solde de points…
- L'accessibilité de nos sites Internet ou services en ligne : vous avez des questions ou des difficultés à accéder à un contenu ou une fonctionnalité (naviguer avec le clavier, des synthèses vocales ou des plages braille), informez le référent accessibilité de l'ANTAI.
RAPPEL : ce formulaire de contact ne permet pas de contester votre infraction ! Votre demande ne sera pas traitée et elle n'interrompt pas les délais de contestation ou de paiement.

Hearing impaired? d/Deaf? In a noisy environment? Aphasic?
You can access our call centre and talk to our telephone advisers without any restrictions, choosing the method of communication that best suits your needs:
- French Sign Language
- Cued speech
- Instantaneous speech transcription.
Interpreters will translate for you.
ANTAI has chosen to work with Rogervoice to provide this service.