The official report

What is the PVe?
The electronic ticket is a ticket given in digital form and processed by the National Processing Centre in Rennes; it causes an offence notice to be sent to the residence of the offender. Thus, since the start of 2011, the electronic system is being gradually introduced for all ticketing operations:
- recording of the ticket;
- notification of the offence;
- collection of fines.
The PVe replaces the handwritten PV (fine payment stamp) for road traffic offences (parking, failure to give way, driving against the flow of traffic, speeding etc.)
The hardware used for this electronic ticketing is:
- portable digital devices (PDAs);
- portable micro-computers (tablet PCs);
- in-car computer terminals;
- data entry interfaces on fixed workstation (IHM--Web).
Currently employed by the State ticketing services, they are frequently used by municipalities.
How does it work?
The diagram below briefly describes the steps of the Pve system from the time the offence is reported by the officer, the despatching of the fine to the residence and the payment or appeal options.

How does it change things?
For ticketing:
The officer is equipped with modern electronic tools enabling the digital recording of the offence data and sending them directly to the National Processing Centre (CNT) in Rennes, via a computer connection.
For information:
The paper
fine payment stamp delivered in person or left on the vehicle is replaced by a simple information notice. If this notice is missing the procedure is not invalidated. In all cases, the offence notice is sent to the residence of the person concerned.
For the processing of fines:
Offences reported by PVe are processed by the National Processing Centre (CNT) in Rennes.
Who are the ticketing officers?
he officers equipped with this new equipment are:
- State officers:
- police officers;
- gendarmes.
- Municipal officers, if their municipality decides to use this system.
What are the advantages?
There are many advantages for offenders and services:
- a system that is reliable and equitable, but also rigorous for all recipients of tickets, due to the automation of fine processing and their remote and secure archiving;
- new payment methods, particularly by Internet, by telephone or online at a tobacconist;
- a reduction of the fine if it is paid within 15 days (excluding parking);
- no more risk of loss or theft of fine payment stamps from windscreens, meaning a reduced risk of increased fines;
- electronic recording of data avoids transcription errors;
- significant simplification of administrative follow-up tasks.