To relieve congestion in the courts and modernise criminal procedure, since 2018 French legislature has introduced set fines for a certain number of offences. Initially limited to road traffic offences (driving a vehicle without a licence or with a licence that does not correspond to the vehicle class, and/or driving without insurance), in 2020 this policy was extended beyond the field of road safety to include illegal drug use. Following on from this, fixed fines for illegal loitering in the common part of a block of flats were rolled out in February 2022. New offences are scheduled to be subject to set fines in the coming months and years.
Why introduce split payment?
As a reminder, payment of a fixed fine constitutes admission of the facts, puts an end to legal proceedings, and thus avoids a trial. But a major cause of set fines not being paid before an increase for late payment is the fact that it has been impossible to pay these large fines in instalments.
Introducing credit card instalment payments, while complying with the legal deadline of 60 days that is applicable to electronic payments*, will make it easier to pay fixed fines in situations where the offender explicitly acknowledges the offence. The number and amount of instalments are not fixed, and are left to the discretion of the person liable for payment, provided the payment period is respected.
Important points to note:
- If the whole fine is not paid within 60 days, then the fine will be increased by the amount still owed (notice of the increased fine will be sent to your postal address).
- Split payment does not apply to payment of advance deposits before appealing. These must be paid in full, in a single instalment.
- It is no longer possible to appeal once a first partial payment has been made.
How can I make split payments?
Split payments can be made for all remote payments using credit cards, i.e.:
- via the website
- via the amendes.gouv application available on Google play and AppStore
- via the interactive voice server on 0806 20 30 40 (local call charges apply)
When you pay you will be given the option to partially pay the amount of your choice. You can then pay the balance by making one or more additional payments on the dates you wish, using the same electronic payment number. You do not need to use the same credit card for all the payments. Each time you will be shown a summary of the payments received, together with the amount remaining to be paid. Please note: it may take several hours for a payment to show as "taken into account".
Example: payment in instalments of a reduced fixed fine for drug use

The fixed fine for illegal drug use is a lump sum of €200, an amount that is reduced to €150 if the fine is paid within 15 days and increased to €450 if it is not paid in full within 45 days.
If payment is made by credit card, the deadline is extended:
- The amount of €200 must be paid by credit card within 60 days of the fixed penalty notice;
- This amount is reduced to €150 if paid by credit card within 30 days.
If you want to pay this reduced amount in instalments, you can choose the number of payments you want on your preferred dates. For example:
- 1st payment of €50
- 2nd payment of €20 a few days later
- 3rd payment of €30 a week later
- and a final payment of €50 ten days later, assuming that all payments have been made before 30 days following the date of the fixed penalty notice. Otherwise the full amount of the fine will have to be settled, and you will have to pay the outstanding amount in addition to what you have already paid, up to the amount of €200.
*The legal deadline of 45 days laid down in article 485-18 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure is extended by 15 days when payment is made electronically, pursuant to article D45-9 of the same code.